For people who avoid going to the dentist due to their extreme fear of pain that may occur during dental treatment, sedation can eliminate some of these fears, as sedation can be used for everything from simple dental cleaning procedures to the most difficult types of dental treatments.
What is Sedation?
Sedation, which means sedative, is the use of sedative medications to help reduce feelings of anxiety, uneasiness, and pain during certain medical treatments, sometimes with oral medications or injectable narcotics. Anesthesia, which is also used for dental treatment, is particularly preferred by those who suffer from dentist phobia, as it is a good solution to overcome dental phobia.
Use of Sedation in Dental Treatment
Sedation in dental treatment refers to medicines used to help patients relax and feel comfortable during dental procedures, since with the exception of those who are under general anesthesia, patients are usually awake. There are different types of anesthesia used in dentistry, they are used depending on the patient’s condition and method of treatment:
Minimal sedation: You are awake and do not feel any discomfort.
Moderate sedation: You may not remember most of the treatment.
Deep Anesthesia: You’re on the Brink of Consciousness
General anesthesia: You are completely unconscious.
How Long Does the Sedation Effect Last?
The answer to this question varies according to the duration of the dental treatment, as it is possible to increase the duration of the sedation effect on the patient and adjust it by the doctor, it is possible to extend the effect of sedation up to 3-4 hours if there is a need for that. In dental treatments that take a shorter time, the duration of the sedation effect is also reduced. so, we can say that the effect of sedation is modified depending on the duration of the treatment to be applied.
What are the Sedation Side Effects?
Sedation is a very safe procedure. But, some side effects may appear due to the use of some medicines. Among these side effects are:
- Feeling tired
- Rapid heart rate
- Slowing of the heart rate
- Slow reactions
- Short-term memory loss
- Low or high blood pressure
- Headache
Sedation-induced sleep may last for 2-3 hours. There must be a companion next to the patient until the effect of sedation ends, and in the same day the patient must rest and not drink alcohol. You can contact HealDone for information about dental treatments and to make an appointment, and you can find answers to all your questions about the treatment process.