What is Gastric Sleeve? What are its Advantages?

What is Gastric Sleeve? What are its Advantages?

People who do not exercise do, adopt a sedentary lifestyle and do not change their harmful eating habits, face weight gain. Weight loss can be achieved through diet and exercise. However, in cases where weight gain leads to obesity, surgical methods become necessary.

Nowadays, as the preference for gastric bypass surgeries is
becoming more and more, many people are wondering what the sleeve gastrectomy is.

What is gastric sleeve?

A gastrectomy, also known as a sleeve gastrectomy, can be expressed as the removal of part or all of the stomach. It is considered a preferred procedure to get rid of weight problems for people who suffer from overweight and to trea
various stomach diseases as well. It is a two-hour process that does not cause any harm to the stomach outlet and entrance, as the digestive system continues to work as it was before the operation. After this operation, the patient’s stomach looks like a banana, as the gastrectomy operation is also called sleeve gastrectomy because it is similar to a tube.

Everyone wonders about the damage caused by gastrectomy, however, the risk of complications after the operation is very low, as it is a suitable operation for obese patients who have a body mass index of more than 40.

How is gastric sleeve surgery performed?

Many people have a question about how to perform a gastric sleeve, first of all, it must be said that it is an operation that must be performed by a specialist doctor. the doctor’s skill and experience; Something that directly affects the success of the operation. Other than that, this process is performed in two different ways.

  • Open surgery: It is the most preferred method. First, a large incision is made in the abdomen, and all or a large part of the stomach is removed. Although the success rate is higher than that of closed surgery, the recovery period is longer.
  • Closed surgery: Also known as laparoscopic surgery. Multiple small incisions of 1 cm in length are made to replace the large incision in open surgery. The operation begins thanks to special devices that are inserted through these incisions. Because of the small incisions, the patient does not have any aesthetic problems after the operation. Other than that, the recovery period is short, and the risks are lower compared to open surgery. Gastric sleeve surgeries are performed by the closed method to this day.

What are the types of gastric sleeve?

Sleeve gastrectomy is an operation that is performed in three different ways.

• Total gastrectomy: the patient’s stomach is completely removed.

• Partial gastrectomy: Only part of the patient’s stomach is removed.

• Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: The left side of the stomach is removed, and in this way it aims to shrink the stomach.

The gastrectomy arm, draws attention for its wide range of uses.

• The most effective option for treating stomach cancer that is diagnosed at an early stage is the gastrectomy arm, where the doctor, according to the patient’s condition, removes the smallest part of the stomach as possible.

• Gastroparesis, it can be defined as the stomach emptying at a much slower rate than normal. During this treatment, both total or partial gastrectomy can be preferred depending on the situation.

• Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is used to treat obesity.

• The gastrectomy arm is used to treat diabetes, which lowers living standards for many people, especially in the post-2010 period.””

Who are the candidates for the sleeve gastrectomy?

The number of people who are curious to know the answer to the question of who can perform a gastrectomy is very high, we have to say that the patient must be between 18 and 65 years old. In addition, those who wish to benefit from this operation must have a BMI above 40, and those under the age of 18 must suffer from a number of diseases in addition to obesity, in addition to the decision of the doctor and the approval of the family. Finally, for those over the age of 1, the decision is made by looking at the general health status and level of obesity of the people.

Are there side effects of gastric sleeve?

People who have had a partial or total gastrectomy may experience diarrhea after the operation.

  • heartburn
  • nausea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • stomachache
  • Rox syndrome

In addition, symptoms such as,

  • Inflammation, redness, high temperature of the operation area
  • Pain that cannot be relieved with analgesics
  • Difficulty in taking fluids
  • Fever over 38 degrees

If symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately.

What are the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery?

  • Due to the reduced capacity of the stomach, it is possible for a person to be satiated in a shorter time with less food.
  • Feeling less hungry.
  • There is no change in the performance of the digestive system.
  • Fewer injuries. Thanks to closed surgery, the patient can restore their former health in a very short time.

What are the disadvantages of gastric sleeve surgery?

The stomach cannot return to its original state. Because a large part of the stomach is removed during the operation.

  • Those who do not give up high-calorie foods and drinks lose less weight.
  • stomach; An expandable organ, so gastric re-expansion may occur sometime after the operation.
  • Patients who do not change their eating habits after surgery may feel disappointed that they did not achieve the results they expected.

What is the cost of gastric sleeve?

The demand for gastrectomy surgery in Turkey is increasing day by day. In fact, there are people from Arab and European countries who come to Turkey only for this operation, thanks to the competitive prices and the expertise of the doctors. Although it is not possible to give clear information about the price of gastrectomy, we can say that the average cost is 2500 USD, Note that prices vary according to the patient’s condition and the type of surgery.

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